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Sinistram: The ultimate weapon Hecho was given to take down a whole sky full of yellow ladies.  Small size, but powerful.  Who said size does matter?
Shield: Rumor has it that this shield was forge from thousand year old cast iron with a little bit of carbon nano-tube technology mixed in it making it light way and virtually unbreakable.  Who knows and who cares about this mumbo jumbo.  All Hecho cares about is whether this thing work to save his sorry butt from all these sexy pink laser coming his way like IRS coming to get him.  At the last minute, he found a "made in China" sticker at the back of the shield.  Go figure how true the rumor really is...
Yellow lady: Don't these ships look like what you would find in the spaceship junk yard at Galaxy Gallaria sector 4J8?  Man!!! These are no junk and no lady either.  They fly so darn fast that sometimes, they even fly faster than the laser beam they fire.  Talk about messed up!!!
Rocky Church: On this rock, I build my church.  It's solid rock alright, yet it's no church.  This is Hecho's best ground allies.  They not only track the yellow lady, but also light their dresses on fire with a beam of green laser.  Some say they should be called Rocky the Death instead.
Cigar with Toes: I don't know if I should continue calling this Cigar or simply call it big toes.  This thing does have fully functional double barrel gun hole.  Wait, did somebody just say GGGGUNNNNNN Hole?  This is by far the best after-market double barrel model.  Hard to come by these day.  Almost have to go on Antique Roadshow to hunt one down. 

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